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Fun Party Games Ideas for Kids, Adults

Home » Alcohol Game Ideas – Fun Drinking Games to Enjoy

Alcohol Game Ideas – Fun Drinking Games to Enjoy

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Alcohol game ideas add excitement and laughter to parties by combining drinks with fun challenges. Classic games like Beer Pong test accuracy as players aim to land ping pong balls in opponents’ cups, while Flip Cup requires speed and coordination to flip a cup after drinking.

Alcohol Game Ideas

Kings (King’s Cup) keeps everyone engaged with rule-based card draws, leading to hilarious consequences. For trivia lovers, Drunk Jeopardy or Sip If… games turn knowledge into drinking penalties. Power Hour challenges endurance with a shot of beer every minute, and Never Have I Ever sparks funny and revealing conversations. Whether competitive, social, or strategic, alcohol games bring energy and bonding to any gathering!

Alcohol Game Ideas

Here’s a massive list of 100+ alcohol game ideas to make your parties fun, exciting, and unforgettable!

🍺 Classic Drinking Games

  1. Beer Pong
  2. Flip Cup
  3. Quarters
  4. Kings (King’s Cup)
  5. Drunk Jenga
  6. Power Hour (shot of beer every minute for an hour)
  7. Circle of Death
  8. Drunk Uno
  9. Drunk Twister
  10. Ride the Bus

Alcohol Game Ideas

🎲 Dice & Card-Based Drinking Games

  1. Drunk Yahtzee
  2. Drunk Poker
  3. Drunk Blackjack
  4. Drunk Go Fish
  5. Drunk War (highest card drinks)
  6. Drunk Crazy Eights
  7. Three-Man (dice game)
  8. Drunk Farkle
  9. Seven Eleven Doubles (dice game)
  10. Drunk Liar’s Dice

🍻 Party Drinking Games

  1. Sip If… (players sip based on statements)
  2. Drunk Never Have I Ever
  3. Drunk Would You Rather
  4. Most Likely To (whoever gets the most votes drinks)
  5. Drunk Truth or Dare
  6. Buzzed or Busted (guess the answer, drink if wrong)
  7. Drunk Pictionary
  8. Drunk Charades
  9. Drunk Categories (e.g., name beer brands—who fails drinks)
  10. Drunk Spelling Bee

📺 Movie & TV Drinking Games

  1. Drink When They Say… (common phrase drinking game)
  2. Disney Drinking Game
  3. Friends Drinking Game
  4. The Office Drinking Game
  5. Game of Thrones Drinking Game
  6. Marvel Movie Marathon Drinking Game
  7. Horror Movie Drinking Game
  8. Reality TV Drinking Game
  9. Drunk Sitcom Roulette
  10. Netflix & Sip

🎤 Music & Dance-Based Drinking Games

  1. Drunk Karaoke
  2. Dance Off—Loser Drinks
  3. Drink When the DJ Says…
  4. Drunk Freeze Dance
  5. Name That Tune—Loser Drinks
  6. Lip Sync Battle (drink for bad performances)
  7. Song Lyric Challenge (mess up, drink)
  8. Drink for Every Beat Drop
  9. Music Genre Challenge
  10. Drunk Musical Chairs

🥳 Social Drinking Games

  1. Drink If You’ve Ever…
  2. The Drinking Debate (wrong answer drinks)
  3. Party Hat Drinking Game (whoever it falls on drinks)
  4. Who’s Most Likely To? (votes decide who drinks)
  5. Roast Battle—Loser Drinks
  6. Spin the Bottle—Drinking Version
  7. Drink for Compliments (each compliment = a sip)
  8. First to Laugh Drinks
  9. Guess the Drink (blindfolded taste test)
  10. Memory Chain Drinking Game

🎮 Video Game Drinking Games

  1. Drunk Mario Kart
  2. Drunk Call of Duty
  3. FIFA Drinking Game
  4. Drunk Super Smash Bros
  5. Mortal Kombat Shot Challenge
  6. GTA 5 Drunk Mode
  7. Fortnite Drinking Game
  8. Minecraft Drinking Challenge
  9. Rocket League Drunk Edition
  10. Drunk Among Us

🍹 Cocktail & Shot-Based Drinking Games

  1. Mixology Challenge (worst cocktail maker drinks)
  2. Shot Roulette (random shot selection)
  3. Vodka Pong (Beer Pong but with vodka)
  4. Drunk Bartender (guess the drink, or drink)
  5. Drink Your Zodiac Sign (based on a list of cocktails)
  6. Spin the Shot
  7. Reverse Bartender (players mix drinks for others)
  8. Mimosa Morning Drinking Challenge
  9. Make It Stronger (players vote on alcohol strength)
  10. Fastest Shot Drink-Off

🕵️‍♂️ Mystery & Strategy Drinking Games

  1. Mafia Drinking Game
  2. Drunk Detective (wrong guesses = drinks)
  3. Drunk Clue
  4. Truth or Shot
  5. Drunk Chess
  6. Two Truths & a Lie (wrong guess drinks)
  7. Drunk Guess Who
  8. The Drinking Heist (players “steal” drinks from others)
  9. Who Said It? (guess the speaker, wrong answer drinks)
  10. Drunk Memory Match

🏅 Active & Outdoor Drinking Games

  1. Drunk Cornhole
  2. Drunk Dodgeball
  3. Drunk Tag
  4. Drunk Volleyball
  5. Drunk Frisbee Golf
  6. Pool Pong
  7. Slip & Flip (Slip ‘N Slide + Flip Cup)
  8. Drunk Sack Race
  9. Spin & Sip (Spin around, then chug)
  10. Drunk Water Balloon Toss

🎁 Bonus Fun Drinking Games

  1. The Ice Cube Challenge (melts, you drink)
  2. Guess the Alcohol (blind taste test)
  3. Bartender’s Choice (one person picks the drinks)
  4. Hangover Test (whoever feels the worst tomorrow lost)
  5. The No-Hands Challenge (drink without hands)

How to Play

1. Beer Pong

A classic party game where players throw ping pong balls into cups of beer.

What You Need:

  • 12 to 20 plastic cups (usually 6 or 10 per team)
  • Ping pong balls
  • A long table
  • Beer

How to Play:

  1. Set up the cups – Arrange 6 or 10 cups in a triangle shape at each end of the table. Fill each with beer (or a substitute).
  2. Form two teams – Teams usually consist of 2–3 players each.
  3. Decide who goes first – Flip a coin or play “eye-to-eye” (players shoot at the same time; the first to make a cup goes first).
  4. Take turns throwing – Each team takes turns trying to toss a ping pong ball into the opposing team’s cups.
  5. Drink when a cup is made – If a ball lands in a cup, the opposing team must drink and remove that cup.
  6. Re-racks and bounces – Some house rules allow re-arranging cups at certain times or bouncing shots (worth two cups but can be swatted away).
  7. Win the game – The first team to eliminate all the opponent’s cups wins! The losing team drinks all remaining cups.

2. Flip Cup

A fast-paced relay drinking game requiring balance and speed.

What You Need:

  • Plastic cups
  • Beer
  • A long table
  • At least 4 players (two teams)

How to Play:

  1. Divide into two teams – Players stand on opposite sides of the table.
  2. Each player gets a cup – Fill each cup with beer.
  3. Start the relay – The first player drinks their beer, places the cup upside down on the table’s edge, and tries to flip it using one hand.
  4. Pass it down – Once flipped successfully, the next player goes.
  5. Win the game – The first team to flip all their cups wins!

3. Quarters

A coin-bouncing game that requires precision.

What You Need:

  • A quarter
  • A shot glass or cup
  • Alcohol (beer or liquor)

How to Play:

  1. Sit around a table – Players take turns trying to bounce a quarter off the table into the cup.
  2. If you make it – Choose a player to drink.
  3. If you miss – The next player goes.
  4. Special house rules – Some versions include extra rules (e.g., making three shots in a row lets you make a rule).

4. Kings (King’s Cup)

A card-based drinking game with various challenges.

What You Need:

  • A deck of cards
  • A large cup (King’s Cup)
  • Beer or liquor

How to Play:

  1. Spread the cards around a large cup – Players take turns drawing cards.
  2. Follow the rules for each card (examples):
    • Ace – “Waterfall” (everyone drinks until the player before them stops)
    • 2 – “You” (choose someone to drink)
    • 3 – “Me” (the player drinks)
    • 4 – “Floor” (last to touch the floor drinks)
    • 5 – “Guys” (all men drink)
    • 6 – “Chicks” (all women drink)
    • 7 – “Heaven” (last to raise their hand drinks)
    • 8 – “Mate” (pick a drinking partner)
    • 9 – “Rhyme” (say a word; others must rhyme, loser drinks)
    • 10 – “Categories” (name items in a category, loser drinks)
    • Jack – “Make a Rule”
    • Queen – “Question Master”
    • King – Pour your drink into the King’s Cup. The player who draws the last King drinks the whole cup!

5. Drunk Jenga

A modified Jenga game with drinking challenges.

What You Need:

  • A Jenga set
  • A marker to write challenges on blocks
  • Alcohol

How to Play:

  1. Write challenges on each Jenga block (e.g., “Take a shot,” “Switch seats,” “Speak in an accent”).
  2. Players take turns pulling blocks – Follow the rule on the block you pull.
  3. The player who topples the tower finishes their drink!

6. Power Hour

A stamina-based drinking game.

What You Need:

  • Beer
  • A timer or playlist with 60 songs (one per minute)

How to Play:

  1. Every minute for an hour, drink one shot of beer.
  2. Stay in the game! Players who can’t keep up lose.

7. Circle of Death

Similar to King’s Cup, but with harsher penalties.

What You Need:

  • A deck of cards
  • Beer or liquor

How to Play:

  1. Arrange cards face down in a circle around a large cup.
  2. Players take turns drawing cards and following preset rules.
  3. If a player breaks the circle, they must chug their drink.

8. Drunk Uno

A drinking version of the classic card game.

What You Need:

  • Uno cards
  • Alcohol

How to Play:

  1. Play like regular Uno, but with these drinking rules:
    • Draw 2 → Take 2 drinks
    • Draw 4 → Take 4 drinks
    • Skip → The skipped player drinks
    • Reverse → The previous player drinks
    • Wild Card → Everyone drinks
  2. Winner gives drinks out – The winner assigns drinks to the losers.

9. Drunk Twister

A boozy version of the physical game Twister.

What You Need:

  • A Twister mat
  • A spinner
  • Alcohol

How to Play:

  1. Players spin and follow Twister rules.
  2. Each time someone falls, they take a drink!

10. Ride the Bus

A card-based elimination drinking game.

What You Need:

  • A deck of cards
  • Alcohol

How to Play:

  1. Round 1: Red or Black – The dealer asks the player to guess the color of the next card. If wrong, they drink.
  2. Round 2: Higher or Lower – Guess if the next card is higher or lower than the previous one. Wrong? Drink.
  3. Round 3: In-Between or Outside – Guess if the next card falls between or outside the values of your first two cards. Wrong? Drink.
  4. Round 4: Suit Guess – Guess the suit of the next card. Wrong? Drink twice.
  5. The player with the most incorrect guesses “rides the bus” (drinks a full beer or shot).

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