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Home » Easter Game Ideas for Church: Fun, Faith-Filled Activities

Easter Game Ideas for Church: Fun, Faith-Filled Activities

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Easter game ideas for church provide a fun and engaging way to celebrate the holiday while fostering a sense of community and teaching the spiritual significance of Easter. These games can be adapted for all ages, making them perfect for church gatherings. Classic activities like Easter egg hunts can be modified to include scripture-based clues or challenges, guiding participants to discover hidden eggs that represent aspects of the Easter story, such as the resurrection or the Last Supper.

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Easter Game Ideas for Church

“Resurrection Relay Races” encourage teamwork while teaching the journey of Jesus, with stations symbolizing significant events leading to His resurrection. “Bible Trivia” or “Easter Word Scrambles” can be organized to test participants’ knowledge of the Bible and Easter traditions in a fun and interactive way. Other creative activities, like “Pin the Tail on the Donkey” or “Egg-and-Spoon Races,” can be included as lighter, enjoyable games for kids and families. These activities not only provide entertainment but also offer opportunities to reflect on the true meaning of Easter, making for a memorable church celebration.

Easter Game Ideas for Church

Here’s a list of 100+ Easter Game Ideas for church events, suitable for various ages and group sizes:

  1. Easter Egg Hunt
  2. Egg Relay Race
  3. Bible Verse Scramble
  4. Resurrection Roll Race
  5. Resurrection Relay
  6. Easter Egg Toss
  7. Bunny Hop Sack Race
  8. Pin the Tail on the Bunny
  9. Easter Bingo
  10. Egg and Spoon Race
  11. Bible Charades
  12. Egg Decorating Contest
  13. Easter Word Search
  14. Resurrection Scavenger Hunt
  15. Bunny Ears Relay
  16. Easter Basket Building Contest
  17. Bunny Bowling
  18. Pin the Cross on the Tomb
  19. Egg Roll Race
  20. Easter Story Pictionary
  21. Easter Obstacle Course
  22. Bunny Hop Limbo
  23. Easter Egg Bowling
  24. Easter Egg Spoon Relay
  25. Bible Quiz Contest
  26. “He is Risen” Word Scramble
  27. Resurrection Egg Hunt (with Bible verses inside)
  28. Bunny Tail Toss
  29. Holy Week Memory Game
  30. Pass the Easter Egg
  31. Easter Egg Countdown
  32. Bunny Relay Race
  33. Easter Pie Eating Contest
  34. Cross Toss
  35. Easter Egg Drop
  36. Easter Trivia Game
  37. Bunny Dance Party
  38. Bible Verse Relay
  39. Easter Bunny Ears Craft
  40. Cross Coloring Contest
  41. Easter Jeopardy
  42. Egg Hunt with Clues
  43. Easter Song Lyrics Challenge
  44. Easter Egg Decoration Race
  45. Pin the Crown of Thorns
  46. Holy Week Timeline Puzzle
  47. Jesus Resurrection Puzzle
  48. Easter Garden Relay
  49. Easter Bingo with Bible Verses
  50. Cross-building Competition
  51. Resurrection Egg Mystery
  52. Bunny Footprint Stomp
  53. Bible-based Scavenger Hunt
  54. Egg Toss in Teams
  55. Easter Dice Game
  56. “Egg-cellent” Scripture Challenge
  57. Egg Hunt with Prayer Challenges
  58. Holy Week Word Scramble
  59. Cross-crafting Relay
  60. Resurrection Rock Hunt
  61. Egg & Spoon Balance Challenge
  62. Egg Toss Bible Quiz
  63. Lenten Puzzle Race
  64. Easter Basket Hunt
  65. Bible Verse Memory Game
  66. Who Am I? (Easter Bible Characters)
  67. “Easter Jumble” Anagram Game
  68. Bible Verse Scrabble
  69. Easter Pin the Cross on the Map
  70. Bunny Bingo
  71. Easter Egg Basket Toss
  72. Resurrection Scene Rebuilding
  73. Jesus’ Journey Obstacle Course
  74. Cross Toss Basketball
  75. Easter Balloon Pop
  76. Easter Story Jeopardy
  77. Easter Egg Treasure Hunt
  78. Bible-based Hopscotch
  79. Easter Memory Card Game
  80. Bible Scene Drawing Contest
  81. Cross Relay Challenge
  82. Bible Verse Memory Relay
  83. Resurrection Egg Relay
  84. Pin the Easter Egg on the Basket
  85. Easter Question Jar
  86. Easter Egg Pinata
  87. Who is the Bible Character? (Game)
  88. Pass the Bible Verse
  89. Easter Story Role Play
  90. Bible Story Guessing Game
  91. Easter Song Lip Sync Battle
  92. Bible Verse Puzzle Race
  93. Easter Tic Tac Toe
  94. Bible Wheel of Fortune
  95. Easter Egg Crafting Contest
  96. Easter Riddle Challenge
  97. Find the Missing Bible Verse
  98. Easter Tic-Tac-Toe Tournament
  99. Pass the Egg Spoon Relay
  100. Holy Week Activity Challenge
  101. Resurrection Egg Color Matching
  102. Bible Verse Mad Libs
  103. Easter Egg Walk
  104. Guess the Easter Candy
  105. Resurrection Scene Rebuilding Contest

Easter Game Ideas for Church

These ideas are suitable for a wide variety of church group sizes and can be tailored to the age group involved, whether it be children, teens, or adults. Each game can be adapted to have an educational focus on the Easter story, making them both fun and spiritually enriching.

Easter Game Ideas for Church for Youth

Here are Easter Game Ideas for Church Youth, with a creative twist:

  1. Resurrection Relay Race – Teams race to answer Easter-themed questions, with each correct answer moving them forward in the race.
  2. Cross-Obstacle Course – Create a challenging obstacle course that represents Jesus’ journey to the cross, with each obstacle representing a key moment.
  3. Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt – Hide Bible verses around the church grounds that lead to a final clue about the Easter story.
  4. Easter Egg Theology – Hide Easter eggs containing Bible trivia or key moments from the Easter story; players must open eggs and answer questions to advance.
  5. Holy Week Jeopardy – A Jeopardy-style game with categories like “Jesus’ Teachings,” “The Resurrection,” and “The Disciples.”
  6. Easter Escape Room – Youth groups work together to solve puzzles based on the Easter narrative to “escape” within a set time limit.
  7. Resurrection Rock Toss – Players toss “rocks” (painted stones or bean bags) into buckets, each representing a part of the Easter story (e.g., betrayal, resurrection).
  8. Bunny Hop Dance Off – A dance competition to Easter-themed music, with participants showcasing their best “bunny hop” moves.
  9. The Last Supper Charades – Players act out scenes from the Last Supper, and others must guess what part of the story it is from.
  10. Scripture Tag – A game of tag where “it” calls out Bible verses. If a player can recite the verse before being tagged, they are safe.
  11. Jesus Walk Relay – Teams carry “crosses” (large wooden sticks or foam pieces) across the church grounds in a relay format, answering Bible trivia at each checkpoint.
  12. Egg and Spoon Race: Resurrection Edition – Players balance an Easter egg on a spoon while answering Easter-themed questions at each checkpoint.
  13. Resurrection Relay Challenge – Teams perform different tasks (such as stacking cups or assembling a puzzle) related to the resurrection story.
  14. Easter Egg Hunt with a Twist – Each egg contains a challenge like “Act out a parable” or “Answer a Bible trivia question.”
  15. Cross the Jordan – A water-balloon toss game where participants must “cross the Jordan River” by passing water-filled balloons without breaking them.
  16. Bunny Mask Craft Challenge – Youth create their own Easter bunny masks in a craft competition, with a prize for the most creative.
  17. Gospel Message Mural – Teams of youth paint or draw scenes from the Easter story on a large mural or poster, and then share its meaning with the group.
  18. Easter Candy Bible Quiz – Use popular Easter candies as prizes for answering Bible trivia correctly, tying it back to key themes of the holiday.
  19. Disciples and Cross Stump the Youth – Have leaders or older youth pose as disciples, and others ask them questions based on the Easter story to “stump” them.
  20. Pass the Holy Egg – A relay-style game where players pass a decorated egg around without using their hands, symbolizing the passing of the good news.
  21. Maundy Thursday Washing Feet – In this touching activity, youth take turns washing each other’s feet, simulating Jesus’ act of service to His disciples.
  22. Easter Story Flip Cup – Play the classic flip cup game, but each flip must correspond to a Bible verse or story related to Easter.
  23. Crown of Thorns Challenge – Teams compete to build the strongest “crown of thorns” using craft materials, discussing the significance of the crown in the Easter story.
  24. Easter Cross Memory Challenge – Use cards with different Easter symbols or Bible verses, and the players have to match them correctly to win.
  25. Journey to the Cross Maze – Set up a maze that represents Jesus’ journey to the cross; players must complete challenges at each station to continue.


These games blend fun, creativity, and biblical teachings, encouraging youth to reflect on the true meaning of Easter while enjoying interactive activities.

How to play

Here’s how to play each Easter Game for Church Youth in detail:

1. Resurrection Relay Race

  • How to Play: Divide participants into teams. Set up stations where each team has to answer Easter-related questions or complete tasks like Bible trivia or puzzles. For each correct answer or completed task, they move to the next station. The first team to finish all tasks and reach the finish line wins.
  • Materials Needed: Easter trivia questions, puzzles, cones or markers to set up stations.

2. Cross-Obstacle Course

  • How to Play: Create an obstacle course that represents key moments from Jesus’ journey to the cross (e.g., a “tomb” to crawl through, “mountains” to climb, or “water” to cross). Youth must navigate through these obstacles while discussing the significance of each part.
  • Materials Needed: Cones, ropes, gym mats, etc.

3. Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt

  • How to Play: Hide slips of paper around the church with Bible verses related to Easter. Each verse gives a clue that leads to the next one. The final clue should lead them to a “treasure” or a reward.
  • Materials Needed: Bible verses on paper, small treasures or rewards.

4. Easter Egg Theology

  • How to Play: Hide Easter eggs filled with Bible trivia or pieces of the Easter story (like quotes from Jesus, names of disciples, or parts of the resurrection). Participants must open each egg and answer the question or piece the story together to advance.
  • Materials Needed: Easter eggs, paper with Bible trivia or story pieces inside.

5. Holy Week Jeopardy

  • How to Play: Set up a Jeopardy-style game with categories like “Jesus’ Teachings,” “The Resurrection,” and “The Disciples.” Players take turns selecting questions from each category. Correct answers earn points; the team with the most points at the end wins.
  • Materials Needed: Jeopardy board, Easter-related questions, buzzers (optional).

6. Easter Escape Room

  • How to Play: Set up an Easter-themed escape room where youth must solve puzzles based on Bible stories related to Easter. Each puzzle will reveal a clue that helps them get closer to “escaping.” Set a time limit to add excitement.
  • Materials Needed: Clue cards, locks, puzzles, decorations to create the “escape room” atmosphere.

7. Resurrection Rock Toss

  • How to Play: Set up multiple buckets or containers representing different parts of the Easter story (e.g., betrayal, resurrection, etc.). Players toss painted rocks into the corresponding buckets, earning points for accuracy.
  • Materials Needed: Rocks (painted or labeled), buckets or containers.

8. Bunny Hop Dance Off

  • How to Play: Play Easter-themed music, and youth take turns performing their best “bunny hop” dance moves. After each round, a judge (or the group) picks the best dancer. The winner gets a prize.
  • Materials Needed: Easter-themed music, open space.

9. The Last Supper Charades

  • How to Play: Write down scenes from the Last Supper or Easter-related Bible moments on slips of paper (e.g., Jesus washing feet, Jesus breaking bread). Youth take turns acting them out, while the rest of the group guesses the scene.
  • Materials Needed: Paper with scenes written on them.

10. Scripture Tag

  • How to Play: One player is “it” and chases others around. To escape being tagged, a player must recite a Bible verse before getting tagged. If they succeed, they are safe, but if they fail, they become “it.”
  • Materials Needed: Bible verses for participants to memorize.

11. Jesus Walk Relay

  • How to Play: In teams, youth relay race while carrying a “cross” (large wooden stick or foam). At each checkpoint, teams must answer Easter trivia or perform a task (e.g., telling a Bible story). The team that completes all tasks first wins.
  • Materials Needed: Wooden sticks or foam crosses, Easter trivia questions.

12. Egg & Spoon Race: Resurrection Edition

  • How to Play: Players balance Easter eggs (real or plastic) on spoons and race to a finish line. At each checkpoint, players must answer an Easter-related question. If they drop the egg, they must start over.
  • Materials Needed: Easter eggs, spoons, cones to mark race path.

13. Resurrection Relay Challenge

  • How to Play: Set up a relay race where participants must complete various tasks such as stacking cups, solving puzzles, and answering Bible trivia about Easter. Teams compete to finish the relay the fastest.
  • Materials Needed: Cups, puzzles, Easter trivia questions.

14. Easter Egg Hunt with a Twist

  • How to Play: Hide Easter eggs with different challenges inside (e.g., act out a parable, answer a Bible trivia question). Players must complete the challenge inside the egg before they can collect it.
  • Materials Needed: Easter eggs, small pieces of paper with challenges inside.

15. Cross the Jordan

  • How to Play: In this water-balloon toss game, participants must pass a water balloon across a designated area representing the Jordan River. If the balloon breaks, the team must start over.
  • Materials Needed: Water balloons, buckets.

16. Bunny Mask Craft Challenge

  • How to Play: Provide materials like paper, markers, and decorations for youth to create their own bunny masks. The most creative mask wins a prize.
  • Materials Needed: Craft supplies (paper, markers, glue, scissors).

17. Gospel Message Mural

  • How to Play: In teams, youth paint or draw scenes from the Easter story (e.g., the crucifixion, the resurrection). Each team presents their section and explains its significance.
  • Materials Needed: Large poster paper or canvas, paints, markers.

18. Easter Candy Bible Quiz

  • How to Play: Set up a Bible trivia quiz where each correct answer earns a piece of Easter candy. The person with the most candy at the end wins.
  • Materials Needed: Easter candy, Bible trivia questions.

19. Disciples and Cross Stump the Youth

  • How to Play: Leaders or older youth pose as disciples. The rest of the group asks them questions based on the Easter story, trying to stump them with challenging questions. Each correct answer wins a prize.
  • Materials Needed: Prepared questions based on the Easter story.

20. Pass the Holy Egg

  • How to Play: Youth pass a decorated Easter egg around a circle without using their hands (e.g., using their feet or elbows). If the egg drops, the group must start over.
  • Materials Needed: Decorated Easter eggs, open space.

Each Easter Game Ideas for Church can be tailored to suit your group, making sure it’s fun and engaging while also reinforcing the key messages of Easter!

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